an update whew

Some time last week I suddenly had a feeling that I should check on my blog. And while I was scrolling through my reading list, clicking on recent posts from people that I follow to read, I saw one of them has a Spotify widget on the sidebar and I was like "o wow.. i want that" so there it is, one of my (so very many) playlist on my sidebar. My playlist will be updated according to my mood or current fave songs so check it out luvs. Props to X for giving me an idea what to add to my blog.

Now that the playlist is there, should I continue making song suggestions post? I mean, who's gonna stop me anyway, right ;-) Might as well since I really like the tag #musicrec

I just started a new semester yaaaa(help)aaaay! So far I have skipped two classes on the first week whoops. Not intentionally, trust me 🤧 Monday classes are so depressing. I hope it'll get better. Based on the course outlines, the assignments are heavier than last sem. And last sem was a nightmare. Pray for me y'all. Wish me luck :'-) <33

ALSO, when I was on my way to class I passed by my senior. THE senior whom I had a crush on. AND GUESS WHAT? He looked at me (which is cool like ok whatevs). BUT THEN my body started to weirdly move to the side like I'm trying to give him space to walk pass me eventho there's alrEADY ENOUGH SPACE like WHAT R U DOIN??? Y'all.. that was so embarrassing. Like, why? Why I do that..? Let's just say yesterday wasn't the best Monday. I was also super moody throughout the entire day 😪

me @ myself

But hey! Tomorrow's another day and it's DnD Night ladiesss! And my friends and I are probably gonna have a picnic after class. I hope everything goes well <3

To end this post, Imma need y'all to STREAM FIANCÉ, just click >here< babes. This song slaps HARD y'all no joke. SUPPORT SONG ARTIST! STAN WINNER 💙


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  1. it's nice to see that spotify widget on your blog's sidebar. it has been a while i wanted it to be on my blog's sidebar but i kept forgetting about it bcs it was hard to do the coding at first. but later, i discovered it all by myself and walla, the widget is finally on my blog. by the way, all of the songs in your spotify playlist seems interesting.

    oh, please. don't stop making postings about music reccommendations. i would love to discover your taste in music (as i love to discover something new in music too!). but, i think i would it would be better if you link the songs with your feelings or emotions. it was just a suggestion, i don't meant to force you lol.

    and... you're lucky that you're still able to have a crush on someone. i do have one but, i don't think i should keep having a crush on someone for a very long time. it will be a pain in the ass if i knew the person is in a relationship with someone. by the way, it's funny when i read that part when you gave him a lot of space to walk lol

    have a nice day :) sorry for my broken english

    1. whenever i visit your blog, there must be something new and interesting. and thank you. i like your songs too~

      don't worry, i won't stop. that line was just a tease hehe �� i'll post anything and whatever i want, hec yea. and thank you for your suggestion, i appreciate it. it's hard for me to keep my playlist based solely on my feelings because eventho i feel sad or happy at the moment, i would have some new songs that i want to share even if it doesn't match my current emotions XD so i just mix them both hehe

      actually, i'm no longer interested in him HAHA. i have moved on. that's usually how it goes with me crushing on someone. it won't last long. it's mostly 'cause i'm bored, i guess. and yes, you're right about it being a pain. eventho it's not wrong but deep down inside it will hurt like hell. oof. i hope that stupid part will be erased from his memory aaa IM SO EMBARRASSED HAHA

      thank you and have a nice day as well~! ��
